The rental of the car described on page 2 is made according to the following conditions accepted by the renter mentioned on page 2.

Drivers must be at least 21 years of age and have held their licence for at least three years.

For Twizzy: the principal tenant must meet the rental conditions, i.e. be over 21 years of age and hold a three-year driving licence

Article first - USE OF THE CAR

Under penalty of cancellation of the insurance policy renter agrees not to allow the car to be driven by other person than himself or those approved by the HIRER and whow he is answering for to use the vehicle only for his personal require- ments, to take parts in no competition, not to use the vehicle for unlawful purposes or the transportation of goods, not to push or tow any vehicle or trailer, not to take any paying passenger, not to apply directly for customs documents, not to overload the rented vehicle by taking a number of passenger above the one stated on the car license.


The car is delivered in perfect working order and in absolute clean condition. The vehicle shall be returned in the same condition of neatness, otherwise the renter shall have to pay the cleaning and overhauling costs. The five tires are in fair condition without pieces cut out. In case of damage to one of them for a reason other than wear and tear, the renter agrees to replace it at once by a tire of the same size and obviously similar wear.

Article 3 - INSURANCE

Renter is insured against following risks:
1 ̊) For an unlimited amount against accident he may cause to third person but exclusively of renter, his wife or husband, , ascendant and offspring and the driver.
2 ̊) COLLISION PROTECTION : Renter initials to accept or decline the daily rate shown for each day or fraction thereof, CDW or renter’s reponsability for accidental collision damage to vehicle, less a deductible mentioned on the contract regardless of negligence, violation of any of the provisions of this agreement makes renter full liable for damage to vehicle even if renter has paid for CDW. Operating the vehicule under effect of drugs or alcohol will cancel the insurance. The renter shall be liable for the loss of tires, mirrors, tools, mats, radios, and any piece of part of the vehicle that could be dismantled or in any other form removed from the vehicle.
3 ̊) The renter acknowledges delivery of the motor vehicle free from damage except as may be specifically noted in this contract and agrees to pay to the HIRER an amount equal to the cost of repairing or replacing to the satisfaction of the HIRER any damage to the vehicle occurring after its delivery into its custody and before redelivery to the HIRER.
4 ̊) Under penalty of cancellation of the insurance policy renter agrees:
a) to report within 48 hs to the HIRER and at once to the Police authorities any accident.
b) to mention in his report the circumstances, date, hour, place of the accident name and ad- dress of the witness, car number of the opposing party as well of the name of his insurance company and number of his policy.
c) to atach to the report any Police, Gendarmerie statement of affidavit made by a process ewer, if any.
d) to refrain from arguing about the responsibility from dealing or compounding with third party regarding the accident.
5 ̊) The car is insured only for the rental shown in page 2. At the end of this term and only if the prolongation has been accepted, the HIRER declines any lialibility for the accident the renter might have caused and which he personally shall have to deal with.
6 ̊) The HIRER declines any liability for accident to third party or injuries to the car the renter might cause during the length of the rental agreement if renter intentionally provided HIRER with false information with respect to his identity address, or the validity ofhis driver’s license.


The rental fees as well as the deposit amount are fixed by the rates in force and are payable in advance. In no case the deposit can be used for a prolongation of the hiring. In order to avoid any dispute in the event Renter should keep the HIRER agreement he shall have to forward the amount of the rental in pro- gress otherwise he may be liable to judicial prosecution for the reason of misappropriation of a car or embezzlement.


Renter expressly prohibits himself from abandoning the vehicle.

Article 6

Renter agrees to pay all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred by HIRER in collecting sums due or in regaining possession of vehicle or the enforeing or recovering any damage, losses or claims against renter.


Renter remains solely lialable for the fines reports and official statements drawn up against him.


Any and all disputes which may arise between HIRER and renter shall fall within the exclusive juridiction of the courts on the location of the Head-Office of HIRER.

En cas de litige, et après réclamation écrite auprès de nos services restée infructueuse, vous pouvez saisir gratuitement le Médiateur FNA en vue d’une résolution amiable de votre différend.

Adresse postale :
Le Médiateur FNA
Immeuble Axe Nord
9 & 11 avenue Michelet
93583 Saint Ouen Cedex
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Veuillez consulter le site Internet du Médiateur auprès de la FNA pour toute information relative au processus de médiation, et pour déposer votre dossier en ligne.